Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Not So Wondra Litter Box

I was headed down the pet aisle at the local grocery store and happened upon two women who were in an intense discussion about litter boxes. Always looking for a better alternative to that onerous task of keeping the litter box clean, I joined the conversation. They were singing the praises of the Wondra litter box. I had never seen one on the shelf. They are so popular, they were always sold out. It was a rare day that they happened to be in stock, and between the three of us, we cleared out the inventory. Based on their testimonial, I couldn't wait to try it. It was supposed to be the ultimate in odor control and eliminated the need to clean the litter box. You just toss the whole thing out.

After about 3 days, I realized that the Wondra box was not so wonderful. My house had that distinct kitty box aroma. Did I mention that the same duo sold me on a new brand of clumping litter too? I looked in the litter boxes and found a soggy, smelly mess. So much for the Wondra box. I switched back to my tried and true pine litter mix in my plastic litter boxes.

Another great way to control odors around the litter box is to hang a bag of volcanic rocks near the box. They naturally absorb odors and last forever. You just have to "recharge" them every 8 months or so, by leaving them out in direct sunlight. The rocks are a much less expensive alternative to the odor-absorbing gels that work well, but have to be replaced every month. Drs. Foster and Smith sell the volcanic rocks under the brand name Pet Clear Crystals.

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