Tuesday, May 20, 2008

"Dog Whisper Episode Guide" Reviewed

Buster, my kamikaze terrier/Chihuahua mix was having some behavioral issues. I couldn't fault the little guy. He's a Katrina rescue who survived the hurricane and a near-fatal bout of heart worm disease. Anyone would need a little therapy after that.

Buster has always been a little skittish but it had gotten worse -- to the point where he was reluctant to leave the yard for a walk around the block. Most dogs beg to go for a walk, but not Buster. If I drove him to a park or unknown area, he had no problem walking on a leash and seemed to enjoy the exercise. If I tried to walk him in his neighborhood, he wouldn't go past the driveway and would try to scoot inside to the security of his favorite chair in the living room. Sidebar: on the advice of my vet, I even tried giving him some doggie antidepressants. But the medication didn't seem to help him get over his fears.

Enter the Dog Whisperer. I picked up his latest guide on dog behavior, "Dog Whisperer The Ultimate Episode Guide", since it had some chapters on dog phobias. While the guide didn't provide a lot of direction on Buster's problem, I found it interesting to read about challenges that other owners had faced with their pets. I admired their tenacity to work through the problem with the dog, rather than giving up on their pet.

The book is like a TV Guide version of the episodes rather than a in-depth guide on how to correct behavioral issues in dogs. Cesar Millan is obviously a gifted trainer, and his editors would do him justice by devoting more detail to the recommendations and follow-up sections of each episode. In any case, "Dog Whisperer The Ultimate Episode Guide" is an interesting read for any animal lover. If you are looking for advice on how to correct a serious behavior problem, you may want to check out other sources.

Do you have a recommendation on how to correct a dog phobia like Buster's? Please share your comments.

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