Saturday, February 9, 2008

Pet First Aid Kit

Every home with animals should have a pet first aid kit. It is very easy to put one together and will come in handy for emergency treatment until you can get your pet to the vet.

I also recommend taking it with you when you travel with your pets, especially if you are traveling to a remote location with no animal emergency clinic nearby or store where you can purchase first aid supplies. Treating your animal immediately will help minimize his discomfort and could reduce the threat of infection or uncontrollable bleeding -- which can also lower your vet bill if he needs professional treatment.

Here is what you will need for your kit:
  • Hydorgen peroxide -- for cuts, wounds, and poisonings

  • Betadine solution -- a non-stinging iodine for cleaning wounds

  • Neosporin ointment -- antibiotic for burns and scrapes

  • Pepto Bismol liquid -- for vomiting

  • Milk of Magnesia -- for constipation

  • Thermometer -- rectal type

  • Bandages -- telfa coated gauze pads, flexible gauze roll, and elastic tape

  • Cotton balls

  • Q-tips

  • Scissors -- for cutting bandages

  • Antiseptic wipes -- for personal clean-up

  • Latex gloves -- to reduce the threat of infection

And if you want to go the easy route, you can always buy one at VSI Pet Care Products, which has a complete line of kits for dogs, cats, horses, birds, and barn animals. The kits also include step-by-step instructions on how to administer first aid to animals.

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